About EnAJUS

O EnAJUS 2022 terá sessões destinadas a apresentações de trabalhos e painéis temáticos. Além disso, o evento oferecerá minicursos, focados em métodos e técnicas de pesquisa, que visam oferecer oportunidades de capacitação a indivíduos interessados em ampliar o conhecimento sobre pesquisa em Administração da Justiça, apoiada em dados e evidências.

The Administration of Justice Meeting - EnAJUS aims to discuss, on the basis on evidence, the different theoretical, methodological and practical dimensions that inform the functioning of Justice. This discussion brings together several areas of knowledge, including Law, Economics, Sociology and Public Administration, to generate and disseminate knowledge that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Justice. This action is particularly important as justice systems are, generally, expensive, congested, slow and ineffective.

The Administration of Justice is a topic of great social and political importance, but has been studied very little, particularly in Portuguese-speaking countries. The Administration of Justice requires the coordinated and articulated use of resources, knowledge, people, rules and laws, with the aim of resolving conflicts between individuals, groups and organizations. Well-managed justice systems are a civilizing influence on societies and contribute to social peace and the general socioeconomic development of countries. They can also foster social relationships based on ethical and moral values and principles, including respect for the laws and rules that govern such relationships, and the recognition of the rights of social groups and individuals.

The concept of the justice system embraces the functioning of judicial and other organizations that are essential to justice, such as the courts, the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Public Defender’s Office, public advocates, advocates, notaries and public security bodies. The relationships between organizations in the justice system and organizations in other systems are also important, such as those between political, government, market and civil society organizations. As a field of research, the Administration of Justice comprises multiple theories and research methods, which are used to investigate the management of the justice system from different perspectives and at levels of analysis.

Scope and Objetives

The Administration of Justice Meeting - EnAJUS is a space for dialogue between professors, researchers, technicians, public managers and public policy makers, legal professionals, and undergraduate and graduate students interested in the topic. The event will stimulate an in-depth debate among the participants and aims to:

  1. To extend, organize and disseminate knowledge about the Administration of Justice;
  2. Develop cooperative networks, with the exchange of experiences related to the theme;
  3. Disseminate knowledge about innovations and good management practices in organizations of the justice system;
  4. Promote interdisciplinarity, showing how the Administration of Justice brings together various areas of knowledge, such as Law, Economics, Sociology and Public Administration;
  5. Contribute to the training of individuals interested in conducting research on the Administration of Justice based on data and evidence.

Previous editions

The 2018 and 2019 meetings of EnAJUS, held in Brasilia, Brazil, was the result of cooperation between the research group Administration of Justice (AJUS), the Graduate Program in Administration, and the Graduate Program in Law, both from the University of Brasília, the Center for Administration and Public Policy (CAPP) of the University of Lisbon, and the Brazilian Institute of Social Studies and Research (IBEPES). The 2020 meeting was held online, due to the global pandemic COVID-19, and two important new actors joined the organizing group: Positivo University, through postgraduate programs in Administration and Law, and the Directorate-General for Justice Policy, of the Ministry of Justice of Portugal.

Em 2021, em sua quarta edição, o EnAJUS foi realizado em formato híbrido, com atividades presenciais em Lisboa, Portugal, e atividades remotas e transmissão ao vivo pela internet. O EnAJUS 2021 teve como tema central “A Administração da Justiça, o Direito e a Administração Pública e Privada: impactos, ramificações, obstáculos e inevitabilidades”. A realização do evento foi possível por meio do trabalho voluntário de mais de uma centena de indivíduos, que atuaram como organizadores, palestrantes, autores de trabalhos, avaliadores e em atividades técnicas e de apoio logístico. Aos organizadores anteriores, juntou-se ao grupo o Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar (IURIS) da Universidade de Lisboa. Nesta edição somam-se aos organizadores do evento, o Grupo de Pesquisa Administração, Governo e Políticas Públicas do Poder Judiciário (GPJUs) e o Grupo de Pesquisa Gestão, Desempenho e Efetividade do Judiciário (GEJUD), do Brasil.

On each of the previous editions, the event brought together approximately 130 participants, including professors, researchers, technicians, public managers and public policy makers, legal operators and undergraduate and graduate students. More information about previous EnAJUS meetings can be found at https://enajus.org.br/2022/edicoes-anteriores.