Anais EnAJUS 2021

ISSN 2674-8401

Unclogging Courts by Targeting Litigant Incentives: The Case of the Brazilian Labor Justice Reform

Autoria: Caio Castelliano, Peter Grajzl, Eduardo Watanabe


Sessão Online 03 - 25/10/2021, Das 7h00 às 8h50 (Horário de Brasília) Das 11h às 12h50 (Horário de Portugal)
Mediação: Caio Castelliano (Universidade de Brasília)


Overburdened courts are a major obstacle to effective administration of justice in many countries, with corresponding adverse consequences for the impacted societies and economies. Conventional reform efforts that aim to reduce court backlogs and delays by increasing judicial staffing are costly and generally ineffective. When new judges are hired, the pressure over incumbent judges decreases, judicial productivity decreases, and court total output remains roughly the same (Beenstock and Haitovsky, 2004; Dimitrova-Grajzl et. al. 2012; Grajzl 2016). The question of what constitutes a viable and effective court reform thus is a highly topical one.


Courts; fee-shifting; court demand; judicial productivity; Brazil
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