Anais EnAJUS 2022

ISSN 2674-8401

Teletrabalho: Inovação em Gestão de Pessoas e Recursos da Justiça

Autoria: Raquel Trinchão de Jesus Barouh Torres, Ana Lucia Oliveira Mota, Clara Macêdo Rossiter Gameiro, Neyde Rocha Navatta, Andréia Carla de Souza


Sessão presencial 13 - 25/10/2022, 10:30
Mediação: Pedro Miguel Alves Correia (Consultor da Direção-Geral da Política de Justiça, Ministério da Justiça de Portugal)


Remote work has been adopted by several organizations around the world, driven by technological advances. The model causes changes in the work context, requiring adaptation of institutions and workers, a scenario that is part of the reality of Brazilian public agencies. This technical report aims to describe the experience with teleworking at the Superior Court of Justice - STJ, since its regulation in 2018, reporting the results of this practice for people management and for the management of institutional resources. The agency periodically analyzes productivity and monitors teleworkers' perceptions, in addition to monitoring resource consumption with a view to promoting sustainability. The experience with teleworking allowed the STJ to quickly adapt to the context imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Among other actions, remote work was established, a temporary form of distance work that coexisted with the one already regulated. During this period, the institution and its employees managed to act in an innovative way, stimulating the growth and development of teleworking after the reduction of pandemic containment measures. Data on the economy, productivity and satisfaction of teleworkers indicate that the implementation of telework generated positive results for the public agency under study. Monitoring these indices allows the Court to anticipate possible unfavorable impacts. In addition, it makes it possible to rethink new ways of working, seeking benefits for employees, the institution and society with a view to providing public services.


Telework; innovation; people management; resource management; justice
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