Anais EnAJUS 2020

ISSN 2674-8401

Drivers of Pro-Women Institutions in Brazilian Municipalities (Artigo Empírico)

Autoria: Adalmir de Oliveira Gomes e Claudia N. Avellaneda (Universidade de Brasília)


Sessão 03 - Gestão de Políticas Públicas de Justiça - 24/09, das 14h00 às 16h00
Mediação: Adalmir de Oliveira Gomes (Universidade de Brasília)


Worldwide violence against women is a major public health issue, human rights problem and public administration concern. In the search for solutions, governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have adopted and created pro-women institutions with the goal of promoting gender equality by protecting women’s rights through legal and formal tools. However, considerable variation exists in the number and type of these institutions across jurisdictions and government levels. Therefore, to explain jurisdictional variation in pro-women institutions, this research tests the pro-gender effects of both macro and micro factors. Among the macro-level drivers, the study tests the effects of economic, demographic, social, and political factors. Based on representative bureaucracy theory, we test the explanatory power of specific actors’ gender, such a chief executive and legislator. We also tested the effect of the interaction between political representation and violence against women in the creation of prowomen institutions. The results indicate that the symbolic representation of gender through political positions did not influence the creation of pro-women institutions.


representative bureaucracy, pro-women institution, violence against women, municipality, Brazil.
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